curious bring stupid mess !!!

bloddy shit hell !!!
currently ~~
having BM lesson
that Fxxk bullet train
talk like train words like bullet!!

her voice !!
sharp like hell ~~~


tats not my point for this post

when someone said something
dun get involve !!!
tats wat i noe
from now

from watt i noe ~
she n they will not do these kind of things

i told them
so get my answer
this is wrong

i regret asking her
i regret causing these mess happening !!

TRUST ~~!!!!!
u should be not trusting me from that moment

i betray u ??
i did??
but i didn't promise u anything !!!

tis is the result of being curious !!!!

CURIOSITY hit on me !!!

u may be not going to talk to me from today
so call FRIEND

if u don't treat someone as your friend
dun expect she will treat u as a friend !!!

u lost all your friend
as i said tat day !!!
appreciate wats around u !!
if you lock yourself in a cage
and choose to left behind
and protect your cage
while people are moving forward to the future

talk to me
if u dun wan

i don't give a damn on it dy !!
so freaking fed up with friendship problem !!!!

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